Crime in the eyes of the political police

"Kleines KT-Besteck“, Objekt 1772 im Objektarchiv Gedenkstätte Bautzner Straße, Leihgabe der Landespolizei Sachsen

Crime in the eyes of the political police

19.11.2024, 17:00 h


The ‘Special Commission’ of Line IX of BV Dresden 1968-1989

The ‘special commissions’ of the MfS investigation department were responsible for investigating offences in close cooperation with the German People's Police/Criminal Investigation Department. General criminal offences (e.g. arson, theft or unnatural deaths) could also be of interest to the MfS for ‘political-operational’ reasons.
Historian Heiko Neumann has been researching the ‘Special Commission’ of the Dresden District Administration since the beginning of 2024. The current state of knowledge will be presented in the three-hour (further) education event. There will also be an opportunity to inspect selected files yourself as part of a source workshop and discuss them. This will be followed by a special guided tour of specific cases and the staff of the Dresden ‘Special Commission’ at the historical site. Culinary refreshments will be provided.
The event is the first exhibition of the research project. In the coming years, it is planned to continue the research and develop a permanent educational programme and an accompanying volume.


Participation is free of charge.

The event is listed in the online training catalogue of the school portal with the event number EXT05745.  Teachers will receive a certificate of attendance if required. Please register (with first name and surname) at the following e-mail address:



Logoband StSG und Freistaat Sachsen


Quelle: Gedenkstätte Bautzner Straße, Objektarchiv.
Motiv: "Kleines KT-Besteck“, Objekt 1772 im Objektarchiv Gedenkstätte Bautzner Straße, Leihgabe der Landespolizei Sachsen.