Love. Faith. Resistance

Harald und Beate Wagner im ehemaligen Stasi-Untersuchungsgegängnis an der Bautzner Straße Dresden

Love. Faith. Resistance

Briefe aus dem Gefängnis von Harald und Beate Wagner
13:00 - 18:00


How could individuals stand up to the Stasi? Harald Wagner, professor of sociology and theology in Dresden after the Peaceful Revolution, served time in the Stasi remand prison in Leipzig and in the Brandenburg prison in 1980/81. The political prisoner and family man had the opportunity to exchange weekly letters with his wife Beate. The result is a unique testimony of solidarity and love, of Christian faith and philosophical reflection. Not all of the letters made it through the prison censors. Together with the Wagners, the correspondence will be made accessible and the background of the records will be illuminated.


Evangelische Akademie Sachsen
im Dreikönigsforum Dresden
Hauptstraße 23
01097 Dresden
Tel.: 0351- 812 43 00
Fax: 0351- 812 43 49


You can find more information under >>> HERE <<<


Flyer to download


An event of the Protestant Academy of Saxony in cooperation with the Bautzner Straße Memorial Dresden and the Archive of the Citizens' Movement Leipzig e.V.


Registration: Please send an e-mail with your contact details to Sabine Laake,, Tel: 0351-8124315