METROPOL by Cie. Freaks und Fremde nach Eugen Ruge
The story of "Metropol" follows three German communists who flee fascism to the Soviet Union in the 1930s to help shape a more just society there. But they soon become entangled in the web of denunciations, suspicions and "self-criticism" in the course of the party purges and Stalinist show trials. The three protagonists take different paths in dealing with this unexpected situation and at the same time are fatefully linked to each other.
Based on the novel by Eugen Ruge, Freaks and Strangers explores what people are willing to believe in their longing for social ideals.
"Terror and dream, Moscow 1937"... all that seems very far away. But that "Moscow 1937" is at the same time a scene of recent European history. Moscow is not located somewhere, but at a breaking point of contemporary European civilisation. At a special place of remembrance, the Bautzner Straße memorial in Dresden, the company plays through this space of tension in European history with language, objects, movements, sound collages scenes and memories.
The Hotel Metropol is a luxury hotel in the centre of Moscow. Completed in 1907 in Art Nouveau style, it was one of the first addresses in Tsarist Russia. After the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks confiscated it. Besides "suspicious" comrades, international guests such as the star writer Lion Feuchtwanger or the presiding judge of the second Moscow show trial of 1937, Wassili Wassiljewitsch Ulrich, lived here.
Further dates
Saturday I 08.10.2022 I 20:00 hrs
Tuesday I 11.10.2022 I 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday I 12.10.2022 I 20:00 hrs
Thursday I 13.10.2022 I 20:00 hrs
Friday I 14.10.2022 I 20:00 hrs
Saturday I 15.10.2022 I 20:00 hrs
Wednesday I 19.10.2022 I 20:00 hrs
Thursday I 20.10.2022 I 20:00 hrs
Friday I 21.10.2022 I 20:00 hrs
Saturday I 22.10.2022 I 20:00 hrs
Sunday I 23.10.2022 I 20:00 hrs
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