The war in memory
In the school project, we address the significance of (war) stories in our society and in families. We critically examine the possibilities and limitations of "oral history". To this end, we work with edited interviews with eyewitnesses and appropriate working materials. The multi-perspective approach of the video covers a variety of groups of actors and events from the time of National Socialism and the Second World War. In addition, the pupils reflect in groups on the existence and impact of "war experiences" passed on intergenerationally.
The project consists of the following parts:
- Thematic introduction
- Video documentation with interviews with contemporary witnesses (approx. 24 min, production from 2024)
- Evaluation and discussion of the testimonies
- Examination of own family stories
- Final reflection
The offer is aimed at pupils from grade 8 onwards from all types of schools. Working materials are provided by the memorial team. We would be happy to use a projector on site.
The offer is aimed at pupils from grade 8 at the earliest or to other interested institutions. For more details, see the handout:
You can book the project using our form: Buchungsformular
Duration: 90 minutes
Participants: max. 30 people
Participant Price: (free of charge until 03/31/2024) from 04/01/2024: 8,00 € (pupils: 5,00 €)
Minimum price: 90,00 € (pupils 60,00 €)
Please note that this is a German-language offer.
* Artikelfoto: Post Bellum (SK). Kennkarte mit Kinderfoto. Archiv Renate Aris
The "Cinemastories of WWII" project is co-funded by the EU's "Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values" (CERV) program.